Alparslan Büyük Selçuklu Season 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Alparslan Episode 26 In Urdu Subtitles

Alparslan Episode 26 In Urdu Subtitles

Alparslan Episode 26 In Urdu Subtitles I’m looking at what they’ll look like when they get their heads off their necks, bro. Kayı Bey Osman Bey came. Thank you for accepting my invitation , Osman Bey. You invited us, we came. It’s customary, we said let’s not come empty-handed. Feodor! Damn it! Damn it! What did you do, Osman Bey? You will not die without experiencing the indescribable pain that I went through, Osman Bey! I wanted to see the truth. The truth rests on that table where you summoned me to kneel! The one who rebels against Osman Bey does not have his head on his body! Now take a good look. You without gold?

I’ll make it short! I have your other goods!

Where the Turk does not find peace, there is no peace for anyone! Let this be known as well! Lets. Osman! What does he do, what does he do every time, but he finds a way! Feodor My loyal soldier. We ‘re really sorry about Feodor, Rogatus. But right now, there is something much more important, you know? What could be more important than that, Kosses? What could it be? The caravan carrying the goods of all of us, worth a fortune, has already set off from Damascus. rogatus Osman. If Osman captures it as well, it will deal us a historical blow.

Alparslan Episode 26 In Urdu Subtitles

I personally undertake the protection of the caravan. As we speak, Osman will be around Kastelion, and I am the one who knows him best among us. If he had beaten me that hard, I’d probably know too. It was not enough, you left me alone in front of Osman ! Now, when Osman grows up and gets stronger, will you know him from me? I am sure you will succeed. Nicholas. I’m Aya Nikola.Harmankaya Castle. Let Mari know. We brought the rugs he wanted. Keep your eyes peeled, Aygul. Here you go. Malhun Hatun. What surprise is this? Welcome. Welcome, Mari.


I wanted to bring the rugs myself.

What good did you do? Meet Aygul. She is the daughter of Osman Bey’s emmi. Pleased to meet you. You are welcome too. Thank you. Let’s go inside. Willow. Other than that, these spoils will be distributed to the tradesmen and merchants, who are in a difficult situation, in accordance with their needs and losses, in accordance with the agreements with the takfurs. Thank you sir. We knew that you would not put us in a difficult situation, Osman Bey. May God keep you on our head, Osman Bey. Don’t worry. If necessary, new trade routes will be found. New deals will be made. Be humble. Thank you Osman Bey. God bless you Osman Bey. God bless you too.

Alparslan Episode 26 In Urdu Subtitles

Thank goodness we have solved the traders’ difficulties for now. But I have to say. people are broken. When we say oh, who will we agree with, Osman Bey? Even if the unbeliever occupies a corner, we have sustenance in a thousand places, brother. Surely we will come. Harmankaya Castle. Your sorbets are wonderful. You brought it all the way to Harmankaya, thank you. Bon appetit, Mari. We couldn’t show you the rugs the day before. For this reason, I wanted to bring the OK ones. You’re very elegant. Actually, it’s a good thing they didn’t come all at once . You know, Tekfurs are not aware of this trade. Of course I know.

So how do you get the rest?

Will the Tekfurlar allow this? If there was, we would have hidden it among the goods of that caravan. Let’s wait a little longer. Isn’t his arrival imminent? Well, let’s bring it with that caravan then. Unfortunately Cornelia is confusing. That caravan does not pass through Turkish territory. That’s why it’s not a caravan. Whenever you call, we’ll bring the rest. Allow us. I am very pleased with our trade and our friendship, Mari. Stay well. Me too, Malhun Hatun.

You are always welcome to our pen.

Of course we will come. Well done honey. Bon Appetit. Cerkutay Why don’t you eat bro? Didn’t you like the vaccine? No. It looks pretty good too. TO? However, I have such a knot in my throat that even water cannot pass. What’s wrong with you then bro? You eat bulgur, win-win. Tell me all about it. I have a big problem. Her course is very beautiful. My tongue turns yellow in front of Aygül Hatun. I can’t make two words together.

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