Alparslan Büyük Selçuklu Season 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Alparslan Episode 7 In Urdu Subtitles

Alparslan Episode 7 In Urdu Subtitles

Alparslan Episode 7 In Urdu Subtitles The escrow will stay on the bus. You’re good at what I say. It is not yours to protect the camp, my trust and my genius Orhan . The order is yours, Osman Bey. Say, Gokce Girl. I heard that the thing they call entrusted will stay in the tent. You did a good job, Gokce. Open your eyes well. Remember, they will pay for what they did to you . Let’s fly. Say hi to Koses. Jesus Christ, I am not worthy of you. I succumbed to the unbelievers. I swear to you Jesus Christ, I will destroy them all. Sir? Come. Tekfur Nikola and Tekfur Koses came, sir.

Alparslan Episode 7 In Urdu Subtitles

He’s going to meet with Governor Manuel. We cannot allow this. His journey to Nikeya will be Osman’s last. We’ll ambush your way. But Nikeya is not going her way. He’s already taken care of it. It will go in the direction of Kızılcahisar. We will destroy it there. Apparently the pigeons brought news. Then I undertake this task. Any objections? You must go on it with an army, Nikola. Take the Catalans with you. I want to make sure he’s dead. There is another important information. Osman does not take the holy relic with him on this journey. His side will leave him alone. While you rip out his liver, I will take the holy relic from his camp .

By killing everyone who gets in my way !

How will you do this? You will see. A dead Bey, a headless tribe. Finally, the end of the Turks is coming! At the right place, at the right time, we will attack together. Not only Osman, but also Turgut must suffer the same fate. Nicholas. The Turks are dangerous enough with a leader at their head . But I think stray Turks would be even more dangerous. What’s your offer, Koses? While you rip their lungs out, I will choose their leader. So I’ll take Turgut to our side . The Turks clenched around their leader. If Turgut is in our hands, the Turks will also be in our hands. Like that. Since we agreed… No! Thank god. Thank God, my Lord, I hope he will show us the days when my son wears it. I hope Osman. Hopefully.


When I go from this highway without you, when I come ,

I go to the place I go by dreaming of seeing your beautiful eyes and roses. And every time I hold on to the dream of her entering this room. I wait for you. Our children and the entire population are entrusted to Allah first and then to you. As I keep my love for you in my heart, I will preserve your trusts, my Osman. I’m Bala. I’m Bala. No one will leave this place without crowning this agreement with an oath . We ‘ve had enough of each other with Osman’s games . Today we will bless the union we have established here with an oath. my friend. I have sworn to Caesar, Rogatos. I do not hesitate to swear to Jesus. The time has come to expel the Turks from these lands . It is time to be united.

Alparslan Episode 7 In Urdu Subtitles

I will forever be faithful to the union we have formed . I’ll stay alive forever in the togetherness we formed . And I will fight to the last drop of my blood to expel the Turks from these lands And to expel the Turks from these lands. I will fight to the last drop of my blood. [Ana, is there a destur?] Come, my daughter. Aygul. You are welcome, my daughter. I wanted to say goodbye before I go. Bless you, mother. Good bye, girl. I hope you will be back soon. Aygul. You have another problem. Come on, come on. Just sit down. Tell me all about it. May God not give you any trouble, my daughter. Show me the way, mother. My mind and heart were also blurred. I hope it is good? Especially my Aygül. Cankutay. Alparslan Episode 7 In Urdu Subtitles

He is hearted. He is merciful. Whenever my face falls,

it makes me smile. But… But… You know what I’ve been through, mother. I can’t trust anyone. I’m afraid. First of all , the treachery of the man whom they enlisted after my ancestor, whom I knew from my own blood… Whoever I leaned on fell over. From that day forward, I only lean on myself so that I do not collapse. Now your tongue says different, your heart says different. Aygul. You also have a heart for this crazy boy, right girl? Our ancestors said that human beings are various, the earth is vein and vein. Why do you close your door to everyone just because you’ve seen treason before? Get out and look at that camp, all the people. Which one is one with the other? Our Master the Prophet says that women and men are two halves of a whole. The previous road was rough.

Your road had turned into an unequaled misfortune.

But what if my Lord will complete your tomorrow with Cankutay and Cankutay with you ? My Lord has sent such mercy into the heart of that crazy boy that he turned his back on the oppressor and fell in love with Osman Bey. You listen to me. Think again, girl. I’ll think about what you said, mother. I’ll hold my heart and think again. O beautiful girl. Goodbye mom. Good thing you’re with us. Always my daughter. Always. The alps that Turgut sent to observe us . The last face they see will be Anselmo’s face. Let go now. Let’s see if they can return to their tribes in this state. See! It’s not enough to take the eyes of the Turks, Anselmo. Alparslan Episode 7 In Urdu Subtitles

I swear to you this will be their last day. God bless you.

Good luck, sir. May you exist, my Bala. be there. Masallah! Mashallah my son, mashallah! Mother. I hope you have good and fruitful roads , son. May Allah make your way clear. Amen mother. Amine. God bless you, Bala Hatun. Sir. We brought the gifts, we await your order. Come on horses! He’s after Nikola Osman. Yours will infiltrate the Kayi tribe. It’s a beautiful day. Honestly, Rogatos, you didn’t tell me how to infiltrate that Kayı tribe . Tekfur Rogatos. Tekfur Koses. I’m Julia. Here is the person who will lead death to Osman’s room. magneficus Very impressive. But how will this beautiful angel achieve all this alone, Rogatos? Who said I was alone, Tekfur Koses? We are an army. Our name is also angels of death. Angels of death. Beautiful.

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