Kurulus Osman Season 2 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitles Hit! They exist as much as you mentioned, Nikola. Osman, Turgut, Gündüz all and all of them will be shot by these snipers. All! I’ve been laughing in Osman’s face for years. Very annoying Nikola. His alps apart from his camp; in it women, children, young and old we will destroy them all, all of them. We will not leave him anything. And nothing. Obviously, someone had their dog after us. Let’s not show that they are stones, let’s continue on our way as if he doesn’t know Let’s hit it at the right time. Attack! I want the children alive. Ahh! Protect the children of the Alps. Do not be afraid, my brother, we will reach the camp safely.

I’m not afraid when you’re behind me, brother.

We didn’t waste all that training, now it’s time to show your skills Come on! Don’t make my face black. Come on God! God is right! The weak lights of Osman, I have come to extinguish you. Stop! Let go of your sword or you will watch your brother die. Who are you? I’m not kidding. Leave! All right, let me go my brother. Get these. We are going to Bilecik. Orhan, Aladdin. Hoh! How nice of you to come to greet us, Bedros. You’re so gracious. Frankly, I didn’t come to accompany you, but to follow your path . Really? Welcome. Christians fought wars for so many years. You continued to be with Osman again. When it’s so different.

Osman is a brave man, Bedros. This is enough for me.

If you love it so much, then you will die together. Osman is dying tonight, his son Orhan is in our hands. You’re done, Kosses. [Music Plays] Kiros! Cyrus, back to back. Are you ready, Cyrus? I’m ready, Tekfur Kosses. Lets. I’ve had enough, Kosses. Ahhh! Damn, Osman is here. Yahh! Now you’re done. kosses. Did you hide it well? If they are not clear. All of them are perfect Ayşe Hatun. Come on, let’s. Malhun no, there’s something wrong with you. Since Orhan got out of the tent, I can’t find him. They went to the dervish lodge with Aladdin. He was very worried about the daughter of tekfur. He’s out of power. Malhun your child grows up. Mr. Sungur is with them, by Allah’s leave they will come and go, don’t worry.

Well, the cars are ready to go, Balam. The sisters are also ready,

waiting for your order. Good. Have a blessed day. Let your right. If it is possible to drink the sherbet of martyrdom your children are entrusted to you. How did he say it, Bala. I hope you will take Bilecik and return safely. Hopefully. my mother. My beautiful daughter. May your gaza be blessed, your path is clear, your pusat is sharp, I hope. I hope mom. Lets! entrusted to Allah. Lets. I hope you come back safe and sound. My eyes were on the roads, master Arius. Welcome. I did not come empty-handed. I brought you a wedding present. Though Nikola would be jealous. Did you bring Turkish children as a wedding present? These children are not ordinary Turkish children Nikola.


These children are Osman’s sons. Aladdin. orhan.

Take these to the dungeon, its darkest place. [Music Plays] Orhan. [Music Plays] Wedding preparations will continue in all their reality. They should never doubt anything. Everything suits your game, master Arius. There is nothing to suspect. Osmans think they came to my wedding. But they will come to their funerals. Take it away. Kosses. Just hold on. Hang on, we will take you to Söğüt. Osman Bey took him to Bilecik. Who? They took the children. Orhan, Aladdin. Who took it? kosses. Who got Kosses? kosses. Have you seen Orhan and Aladdin? I didn’t see Malhun Hatun. My children. God protect you. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitles Who did this? Where are my sons? They missed.

Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitles

Who kidnapped my children? They took him to Bilecik Castle. Who? Years ago, his face is hidden. Ahh! Take Mr. Sungur to the hospital. Thank you, Malhun Hatun. Lets. Lets. Alps, get ready quickly, we’ll go to Bilecik. Alps. Lets. Take Kosses to Söğüt. Entrust it to my sheikh. Come on brothers. Hold on, Kosses. hold on. Let’s enter their castle as soon as possible, Osman Bey. Let them know what it is to touch your child. If even the hair of my children is harmed I will destroy the castles of those Tekfurs on their heads.

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