Kurulus Osman Season 2 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 37 With Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 37 With Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 37 With Urdu Subtitles I know you will take good care of me as well. I’ll see. Your trust is my trust. But I have to give you a souvenir too. If we get out of here, you will. I hope we will survive. Fathers and mothers do not put us here. Can you catch up to that? Dagger. Can you take out the dagger? Damn they’re running! Sir. Just hold on. Take this. Press your wound. You wait here. The one who will heal our wound is Nikola’s carcass, Mr. We take care of ourselves. Thank you. Stay here. hold on. Hold on, braves! There is a trace here. That’s the charcoal trail. Baysungur. We’ve been seeing two charcoal stains. Isn’t this from Orhan? You are right, Bala Hatun. The scars are multiplying. Obviously, these traces are from the prince. My smart son.

He knows we will fall behind him. Lets. Thankfully we are on the right track.

Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 37 With Urdu SubtitlesWe will find it. There is a trace here too. Hang on, son. Your mother will not put you in the hands of the oppressor. Lets! Speed Come, Osman Bey. Come. Love Osman Bey. Do you think I’m the kind of man who will grab a few handfuls of gold leave his castle and run? I’m not that guy. I have two holy ones. One is Rome and the other is my revenge on you. Revenge huh. Good. I’m right in front of you. It’s time for your revenge. I lost the pen. But you do n’t have much to gain, either. I got İnegöl. Informal Now it’s your life. I also bought a lot from you, Osman Bey. I took their alps, I took their loved ones. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 37 With Urdu Subtitles

“I will kill you with my hands.” I said. I keep my word . Mr. Osman. Come.

Hold on a little longer, Holofira. We run the way we came. I traced us. Surely they will find it. Let’s go. You are very smart Orhan. Come on, Holofira. My brother must have sent help. Hide behind me. I told you not to try to run away again. I will not deal with you any more. Kill it! We’ve had enough, son! I told you they were going to save us. Damn! My brave son. My beautiful daughter. You are fine. huh? We knew you were coming, mother. Oh, thank God, son. Thank god. Thank god. You idiots! You couldn’t have two children! That’s why you will be careful when choosing the men next to you. It wasn’t good for the kids to be found. E, Mr. Barkın it’s all over again. I’m Orhan. [Music Plays ] Thank God.


Thank god. You weren’t too scared, were you? We were scared at first.

But then we believed in your future. Orhan convinced me. Mashallah my valiant prince. I knew he wouldn’t leave us without a trace behind him. My smart son. Nikola! Today just my word will be kept. Ah! Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 37 With Urdu Subtitles Come here! You haunted my religion! Come! You You got into the blood of my tribe! Come! You You shed the blood of my loved ones! Come here! You You You can’t take anything from me nothing! Nikola! Death for you only salvation. But you won’t get rid of me that easily! You won’t be able to escape that easily! I got İnegöl from you. Inegol. Inegol. It is the property of Informal Turk. And in the heart of Inegol I have planted the banner of Islam.

Osman will die in the castle his chicks and brats will die in the forest.

Look at me. Take a good look at those dead soldiers lying on the ground. If you make one mistake you will end up the same. Orhan whose dog are they? Did they say a word? No Bala Ana. But there was another man at their head. He ran away when you came. You saved the Rock Alps from poisoning. Mashallah you brave sons. Holofira’s skill, Aunt Cypress. If he hadn’t learned and informed God forbid. [Music Plays ] Thank God. Yay. Ah! Protect! Ah! honey! honey! -Women, watch yourselves! -Honey! Protect the children. Honey are you okay? I am fine. Babes! Mr. Barkin! Barkin. Are you okay? We’re fine, thank goodness. It was hidden away. But we got it alhamdulillah. Thank you, Mr. Barkin. You arrived just in time.

Take the life of others from Selvi.

But I will not let the one who harms the strand of Selvi’s hair live. Come on! My Bey is İnegöl Osman Bey has taken İnegöl. God damn it! God damn it! It fell to me to deliver the gospel. News came from the Alps. Osman Bey Osman Bey conquered İnegöl. Oh! Hey mashallah to my Osman Bey. Thank god. Thank god. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 37 With Urdu Subtitles Many good news, my Barkın. Honey, you need to cauterize your wound. Let’s settle it as soon as possible let’s get to İnegöl quickly. Aladdin broke the news. Osman Bey is also curious. Alps. The fire is near. Lets! Ah! It’s very broken. It will need to be pulled into the skin. Let’s do whatever it takes, Kumral Abdal.

Tell me what should I do, what should I bring? We did our best for now. We will pray. When his wounds heal we will put him on the skin, I hope. Hopefully. Oh my father! We just got together, dad. Be good, eh? Don’t go so soon. Don’t go, Dad. Aktemur. Your father is a tough, strong man. I hope he will get better by the grace of God. You stand tall. Be text, eh? Huh. It’s Big Gunduz Bey. The wound heals, the fracture boils.

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