Teskilat Series With Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

Teskilat Season 2 Episode 22 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

Teskilat Season 2 Episode 22 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

Teskilat Season 2 Episode 22 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv I will avenge him and the one who shed his blood. Promise me Barkin. You will not put the blood of my father and mother on the ground! My word is Selvi. I will not die without taking your revenge. But I will not put my Ivaz Bey’s heirloom obsession without a head. My father’s will was not to be a lord. I will be.

Even Toyda Kızılbeyoğulları will see the truth.

Come, my Selvi. I would like our wedding to be held after the Beylik toy. What do you say, Barkin! I have now put my ancestor in the ground. What wedding are you talking about? Your father would have wanted it like that, Selvi. Besides, the gentlemen will not take me into consideration until our wedding is done. Now we will have our wedding, when our mourning is over ,



it is my duty to set up a wedding party

worthy of our glory, Ivaz Bey. Thank God for opening your eyes! My father! My father! oh my god! oh my god! Let me be the victim! My sheikh! Goodbye,Teskilat Season 2 Episode 22 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv  my darling. Good luck, İbrahim Fakih. You grew up like Khidr, my master, like Khidr! You healed my sheikh, how can I repay you? Our house is your house, İbrahim Fakih.

We owe you a life debt. Estağfurullah,

what have we done I’m going to an inn, I hope to stop by again. Zehra, Kornelya, you will reach the camp. Come on, I’ll stay with Bala chick. Sir, my eyes are on Barkın.  Subtitles By Makkitv Received two chests of gold today. From whom did he get it? We do not know, sir, obviously someone had left before. Whoever he gets his money from, he will give his service there. Don’t take your eyes off it. – It’s your command, sir.

Teskilat Season 2 Episode 22 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

With the ninety-nine names of Almighty Allah, who fills our hearts with the light of faith, which makes us die when we say be . Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Umur Bey and Ivaz Bey used to ride to these extremes to help us. They martyred them. Barkın Bey told Umur Bey that the Mongolian heads were minced. When we arrived at Ivaz Bey, Kosses’ arrows appeared before us. Sir, we have taken Kosses to our tribe, it was obvious that the infidel will do this.

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