Teskilat Series With Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

Teskilat Season 2 Episode 35 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

Teskilat Season 2 Episode 35 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

Teskilat Season 2 Episode 35 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv Mr. Barkın, Osman Bey is nice, but he is a dreamer. We all said always, didn’t we, mashallah But Osman Bey does not see Yenişehir as a conquest, he sees it as a struggle for existence. He says that if we do not make Yenişehir a home for the Turkmen, we will be better than we have. Gentlemen, if Osman Bey spoke a word, we should think twice. Now we will wait, we will think, and after a while we will convey our decision to Osman Bey . It’s your order, my lord – it’s your order, my lord, Turgut Bey, now they’ll try to put teeth on you. The polytheists stand in front of us, and as if it wasn’t enough,

but because of these hypocrites among us,

even Ali Bey cannot see the truth. Whoever this person is, he is very close to us. And he hides himself so much that we will find him, of course we will find him, Turgut Bey, thanks to you, Thank you Barkin, what are you doing here, everybody knows you went to the camp. My dear Selvi, I don’t have much time. Did you learn any important news? Selvi I learned They will take Turgut Bey to İnegöl Castle I knew that Osman Bey would make such a mistake. Look, Malhun is my sister , you will not do anything to put them in trouble, right? He is very adept at pulling trouble on himself. He not only drags himself but also his obsession with us. Don’t let my Selvi down, don’t worry, don’t worry,

do you think this job is that easy, do you think it’s that easy, Inegöl,

You know what to do, but there is a hurry, go and collect your men You will get the reward for this, Mr. Barkın, I will never forget the favor done to me Alps, come on, what will we do, my lord, we will wait, Hüsamettin, we will wait, Come on Allah, should we never approach brother Belli? His anger is more angry than iron If his father is angry iron, it is worthy to be water to a child, my brother Let’s go diner’s anger Father Orhan Alaattin, let’s come to help you, let’s see if you can get your hammers, let’s see the children Let’s see God’s God – God is right God is God – God is right God – God is God – God is right God – Oh God, God is right God, let’s stop, children,Teskilat Season 2 Episode 35 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

And those who come before you with the power of their wrists are afraid of this pusat.

Otherwise, this scumbag has no meaning. Who else is it, the rascals who hit from the back or the traitors who play? It’s the son, but the mind is the word of the ancestors. Even if your enemy comes to you with a stick, you will go to him with an iron shield. You will not let us down. Victories will not make us heedless Our sleep is the sleep of a rabbit, let the heedlessness stay with us, Mashallah, we know our intellect as well, father Mashallah, mashallah to my valiants, mashallah to my wolf’s sons, my lord Mashallah to the sons of my lord, my lords want to see you, my gentlemen, I will come soon. gentleman rests Children, you will not get out of here until you pusat this iron in that furnace . This iron is Fatma’s puss. Come on,



Let’s see him, let’s get well with Ali Bey, let’s gather our strength,

then ride and ride the horses to Bursa, but now we need to stop, has Gencebey been around for a long time, has he established his order, brother Osman Bey has a longer time than us, his training is complete, he has to keep his yogurt. Sir, let these clouds of fog lift up and let’s get there. Thank you, I listened to you without saying a word. But I will speak briefly. My move does not need convincing. Is there Destur, my lord, the commander has come from Konya, he wants to see you, he is welcome, you have come from a long way, you have to take a rest, Osman Bey, I have little time. I will be back before my sweat dries. I came to get Turgut Bey by order of Sultan Alaattin. It’s not a will,

Now let me thank the sultan Alaattin But

we will settle our own internal matter inside If your intention is to use force then this is it You can’t even go to Konya to convey the news. When the days when you will beg for help from the sultan to come against the emperor are so close, you rebel against the state for a guilty man. Here both the lord and the state are mine! You have fulfilled your duty, now you should go and send the answer of the lord. I know both Konya and Kayı. that fire is not too close Come on, the situation is not good at all. The sun has blinded you, you are stuck in the mud . Malhun Hatun Maşallah, before the feast of sacrifice, I hope that the people will not have any shortcomings. Then let’s set off and fulfill our duty. Sister, I will come to Söğüt with you,

I do not want to miss this reward . On my return,

I hope to reach the oba. Okay, sister, come on, then Ayşe Ayşe Ayşe Ayşe is enough. Don’t do this to yourself, my Ayşe, Gündüz bey has been martyred, you haven’t said a word . You say right, you have to catch up with prayer, come on, ladies, let ‘s go to the alps, let’s go to the hospital, she’s out of strength Is it time, sister? Day is my lord’s entrustment, my Lord, thank you, come on, Ayşe, you need to take care of your baby,

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