Kurulus Osman Season 3 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 88 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 88 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 88 In Urdu Subtitles I was about to like you. My lord, Tekfur Nikola has come. You died long ago. I don’t want to hear a sound. And we’ll see in the meantime is that Nikola also in this or not? Come, sit down. – Are you better? – I’m fine Kosses. Are you really the one who killed Gündüz? You didn’t really ask me that question, did you, Nikola? What should I have done?

Should I have allowed the man who killed my sister

to live? Well, Osman? What will he say about this? What will he say? We both lost our siblings. What can he say? That is, you say, forget about it, we are still friends with Osman. Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 88 In Urdu Subtitles Don’t talk nonsense, Nikola. What friendship? In your opinion, is such a thing possible? Osman was going to march upon my castle the last time. He lost his friends,

he lost his brother. That is, all his campaigns failed.

Osman, who loses everything. I mean, our castles are safe. They are. Peace be upon you. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah alone, he has no partner… and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. And peace be upon you. It is clear that you are on the right path. Say, old man, where are you coming from? Where is your destination? I’m coming from Söğüt,


wherever our road leads, we are going there.

You’re coming from Söğüt? And I took the road to go to the Kayı tribe. I know. All Beys flock to the border lands. Osman Bey has been striving for the Turks’ unity for a long time. Yes, the hope of the Turks is in the border lands now. When we are united, neither can the Byzantines nor can the Mongols stand before us.Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 88 In Urdu Subtitles  Come on, Muslim unity begins with prayer in congregation first. Come on, let’s make the rows. But let the Bey be lead, not the jurist. Eyvallah. My Bey, the horse carriage went that way.

But about ten horsemen went that way. Those going…

is Ivaz Bey or the investigation unit. But this is opposite to the Kayı tribe. The convoy went from here to the Kayı tribe. But the tracks that go from here… apparently they separated Ivaz Bey from the convoy. Cerkutay, Boran, Barkın. You come with us. The rest will follow the convoy – As you command, my Bey. – As you command, my Bey. Come on. You must not find the master, Osman.

I can’t allow that. Allah is the Greatest.

What will you do by going to Osman? Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 88 In Urdu Subtitles It’s already done. His Beys abandoned him. Why do you still go to him? May the peace and mercy of Allah be upon you. Umur wanted to go to Osman too.

It was not in his destiny. May the peace and mercy

of Allah be upon you. The borders lands are full of valiants but… it is also full of traitors and degenerates. Ivaz. Yours is a life that perishes behind a dream. We do not perish, you degenerate. Our roots are strong. Our branches reach the sky. Your dreams will not come true. I wish you could be as loyal to me as Barkın. Come on, Osman. Come here. The tracks go from here. They should be nearby. Look around. Be alert. As you command, my Bey. Father.

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