Barbaroslar Season 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 14 In Urdu Subtitles

Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 14 In Urdu Subtitles

Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 14 In Urdu Subtitles Don’t push your limits Go and buy mines according to your mind, give raids. What is your purpose, Osman Bey? And you question the freedom of my state How do you know that you will not point the ambushes you will make from the mines towards the Seljuks? Know your word and speak I respect your position But do not overstep your bounds This is treason I will never betray It is the order of Sultan Mesut. The tax of the Kayı tribe has been doubled due to the trades that you have made without permission The state is here now. Have me prepare a room in Söğüt. Other than that ,

I will reside here. What you say will be done. Onr,

I want Turkmen gentlemen at the inn . As we talked. Our valiants entered İnegöl beforehand . There they will look at the streets and gather information. Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 14 In Urdu Subtitles But they don’t even have a pusat with them. For this reason, we will enter the front door with Hera Hatun’s car. The pacifiers will be in the car. After entering the city, you will deliver the pusats to the alps. The rest is up to our effort and our wrist. We will take our Boran brother from them . May our Gaza be blessed. It’s your command, sir. Lets. Dear sons of Byzantium,

this is the most loyal alpi of Turkish Osman you see Boran Alp

So what did this arch-enemy Osman do to us? He took our village. He took our mine. It wasn’t enough, he killed our people. So he killed you. It will continue to kill. Yes true Where was Boran Alp when Osman was killing you while he was taking our village, while he was taking our mine ? Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 14 In Urdu Subtitles With Osman Hallelujah Alright what now? As an example, there will be food for wolf, bird and insects here Then it will be Osman’s turn. Right here, do whatever you want . It’s yours My God My God my god. If they cut me into a thousand pieces here today,

I will not bow down to them. The Prophet did not bow to.

the oppression of the polytheists. I will not bow down I will not bow down If I am a martyr here today make it worse with the wrath of our master. Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Where do the martyrs go? They go to heaven. Now Gonca Hatun, the alps are all in heaven. The valiant alps of Kaya. What do you do? We think of our martyrs, Auburn Abdal. Really, you know. Do all our martyrs go to the same place? In the Qur’an, do not call those who die in the way of Allah dead, for they are alive.

He says you are not aware of it. Martyrs don’t die, right?

Now we go to Badr, sons. Look there. How it comes on a raft. There is no fear in his heart. His every step makes enemies tremble. Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 14 In Urdu Subtitles Look How it overwhelms those in front of it. Gee The sword mark on the body of every polytheist who fell to the ground is his. Who is this? Do you know? Master of martyrs Hamza, the lion of Allah The polytheists want to take the pain of Badr. Utba’s daughter, Hind, enlists her black slave to avenge her father and uncle .

He threw the spear Threw My Hamza is on the ground.

Uhud is crying blood. but we exist We will carry the Kayi flag We will carry it Sacrifices to your God Sacrifice to your God Stop Why did you come? I’m saying why did you come? Are you deaf? I came from Nikeya with my wife for shopping. It doesn’t matter where you come from. Get out of the car, we’ll call. Search the car What is this ignorance? Searching for a car that belonged to Governor Sagaros’ daughter ?



How dare you? Excuse me, we were disrespectful.

Open the way Otherwise, you will pay a heavy price. Soldiers, open the gates Lets. Gencebey, let the alps pusat. Lets. I visited Söğüt and saw it. Its construction is impressive, but Osman Bey, the hope of these ends, you are the light of the son. I expected much more lofty places where you live . I regret to say that I did not find what I expected in Söğüt. It has many shortcomings. Of course, there are deficiencies in the place where people live, but the perfect person always sees fully. What is missing, the sentence sees only incompleteness in the world.

Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 14 In Urdu Subtitles

But seeing is not enough. The state wishes that everything is complete in Söğüt, which is missing in our absence. For this, let your breath be the light of the way for us. We want to walk together. As my Lord gives life, we walk on the road to him. We love what he likes, and stay away from what he does not love. Let’s ask permission. Anyway, we’ll see you again. We’ll see you if the right permits. But you came. We’ll go now too. We greet you from Konya as well. Vizier Alem Shah. Is that so? I would be very pleased. So why do you go to Konya? We go to see the friendly face. I’ll be here. See you when you get back then.

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