Bir Zamanlar Kibris

Bir Zamanlar Kibris Episode 7 in Urdu Subtitles

Bir Zamanlar Kibris Episode 7 in Urdu Subtitles

Bir Zamanlar Kibris Episode 7 in Urdu Subtitles They poisoned the supplies going to the Alps. Wow! Save my brother, the mother was left alone, they may have been caught. We will save her, son, we will save her brother! You, Kumral Abdal, destroy the supplies and take the ammunition to the headquarters with the sisters. My Alaattin is entrusted to you. We, together with Baysungur Alp, will go to rescue our Orhan. Don’t worry. Baysungur alp come on! Come, my dear, come. Come on Akin! Lets! – Cypress! Barkın Barkın, you have arrived just in time! What happens to Cypress here? Where do the girls go? They go to save Orhan. Those who came to take Holafira were enemies. Let Hüsamettin take the Alps and settle in the place called Osman Bey,

we are going to the ladies with Selvi. Lets. Sisters,

dig a hole and bury the poisoned provisions. Check Check Check Check Check Check! Gather Come on lions Ya Hak! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! – Come on, come on! Lets. Right! Come on, come on! Run! Inform Tekfur Nikola, the walls of the north have cracked! Come on, braves, come on lions! Come on, braves! Lets! Lets! – Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Talk Talk! Sir, the north of the walls is very destroyed, it is crackling! It won’t crack, you understand, if the walls crack, the army will crack. If the army cracks, we will crack, this castle will crack, you understand! If such a thing happens, I will not leave it to Osman’s men, I will strangle you with my hands. with my hands! Exit! Exit! Get out all of you!

This castle will not be destroyed. It will not be destroyed.

Osman, after what I will do to you, death will be a salvation for you. Come on, come on. Come here. Did Osman send you by sending? Is it Osman? No, sir, I am not Osman’s man, I am his enemy. You must be one of the commanders of Rome. True but incomplete. I am Romanos, the most famous and ruthless commander of Rome. So, who are you, Osman’s enemy? What is your name? How do I know you’re not playing tricks on me! I was the closest man to master Arius, God bless him. My real name is Ayzek. Aryus, I saw his head in a sack for the last time. Ayzek… Ayzek Ayzek Ayzek Ayzek… Just a trace of Aryus’ men So you’re on the side of your friends, I forget my friends quickly. But I never forget my enemies. Osman. I will never forget his face.



I’m going to make him pay for everything he’s done to us.

I don’t know how long I will live, Commander Romanos. But I swear I will avenge maester Arius before I die. And I will continue to serve for his cause. Keep your hate alive. You will be with me while I skin Osman. I can’t wait to see that moment, sir. May our Gaza be blessed. Thanks. Check Check Check Check Check! Throw it! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Bir Zamanlar Kibris Episode 7 in Urdu Subtitles Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Fill! – Throw it! Allahu Akbar! Help! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Oh, mashallah, mashallah, when you have this heart, is it a castle we were not taken ?

We learned about Hendese from the experts, master Davut!

Thank you. Welcome, you brought joy. Throw it! Lets! Come on, braves! Lets! – Check, check, pull! Urgent! Fill! You came with the good luck of your feet, master David! Oh my god! Thank you very much! We have seen that they are not indestructible Thank God – Thank God, keep the Kayi flags ready, alps! The time is near! I hope Konur I hope we have the first attack, brother, our path has been opened, our path has been opened, alhamdulillah! Konur Boran attack is with us Aktemur inside, this attack is what we call vuslat. Boran vuslat! You will cut Nikola’s dogs at headquarters. Come on, braves! It’s your command, Episode 6

Bir Zamanlar Kibris Episode 7 in Urdu Subtitles sir! – Order is my master Gündüz! What about me sir? Your place is by my side Cerkutay is by my side! Thank you, my lord, hit it, let’s break it, let’s break it, break it! Come on, let’s open the breach, come on!

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