Sipahi Series in Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

Sipahi Episode 5 in Urdu Subtitles

Sipahi Episode 5 in Urdu SubtitlesSipahi Episode 5 in Urdu Subtitles

They asked to come. ‎The Sultan loves‎ you.they do it. ‎May Allah preserve their kingdom! ‎I also love and respect you. ‎Sipahi Episode 5 in Urdu Subtitles Thanks! ‎I heard of Dervish Baba being here.‎ He has a trust of mine. ‎I have come to pick him up. ‎The trust I have is‎ not for you. ‎I have ordered Ayaz Pasha to issue a decree to pardon the deputy. ‎If you give me the letter of Iskandar Chelby. ‎So I’ll forget the letter you wrote to me. ‎I know you wrote that letter. ‎Why is Alexander so afraid of the letter written by Chelby? ‎Pargali Ibrahim Pasha? ‎Ibrahim Pasha, popular in the kingdom,‎ is not afraid of anyone,‎ nor does he give account!

‎What’s the problem with that letter? ‎Barbaros! ‎If she has come up with a map, they will launch an attack. ‎Who orders, nobles! ‎Got the map? ‎He didn’t make a mistake by trusting me. ‎Tell me everything. ‎Then I’ll decide. ‎Map! ‎It’s empty! ‎Are you playing with me? ‎Of course not. The‎ map was here, we saw it. ‎She’s right, we saw the map in the library. ‎Ja’far! ‎There is a map on this paper, he says. ‎It’s secret, how did you see the map? ‎From the light,‎ the light showed. ‎Where did you find it?

Sipahi Episode 5 in Urdu Subtitles

‎On the back of a book. ‎Maybe she’s telling the truth. ‎But there is a layer of these papers left in the back of the book. ‎Is there no solution? ‎Sipahi Episode 5 in Urdu Subtitles There’s a way that can evoke secret ink. ‎But it’s not that useful. And of course what else? ‎If there is an error in the procedure‎ ‎, you will never see what is written on the paper. ‎When I was told about you, I was greatly appreciated. ‎I’m sure you’ll do it. ‎Turgut Rais, shoot danger again. ‎So that the subjects may go to a safe place. ‎Took the map. ‎will attack. ‎Tell me what’s the matter, Ibrahim Pasha? ‎When I removed Iskander Chelby from the post,

he worked personally. ‎You hanged Chelby. ‎First he proved his treachery and‎ then punished him. ‎What’s the problem with this letter? ‎Nothing but the quarrel of the foolish Pashas, Sultan Min! ‎Sultan Min! ‎I will hand over the letter to you if i have permission. ‎Why is this letter‎ so important, at the place I was invited,‎ arrived before me, Abraham Pasha? ‎What is written in the letter that you are running after? ‎I’m not running after him, Sultan Min! ‎If you want to read openly, read on. ‎And if you want, tear it down. ‎Barbaros! ‎Hold on! ‎Reis! ‎Say in a low voice what you want to say. ‎Sharkan is imprisoned here. ‎I know, that’s why I came.

Sipahi Episode 5 in Urdu Trailer in Urdu Subtitles

‎Maria has caught all the people. ‎Tied up and made to stand in front. ‎The soldiers are carrying swords on the people, nobles! ‎She wants to free the prisoners or else she will kill everyone. ‎How does she know about our relationships with people? ‎I don’t know Sipahi Episode 5 in Urdu Trailer in Urdu SubtitlesSo then—‎ Ambassador Batista, you’re my prisoner, too! ‎How? ‎Because I’ll need you with Sharkan. ‎Will you be able to? ‎If you’re all going to be in danger if you can’t hit the right target ‎Sharkan will die. ‎Even if I kill and the‎ arrow is not as poisonous as you said, the shark will die. ‎As I said, arrows are poisonous. ‎This matter will end here, Luzato‎ ‎, when Barbaros comes, you will stand on the bridge. ‎Without attracting anyone’s attention, these arrows will kill Barbaros. ‎

The matter will end here! ‎Everyone will get what they want. ‎They’re ready, nobleman! ‎Ja’far! ‎You stay here. ‎Keep an eye on Luna and Marcella make a mixture and show the map. ‎We’ll go to the castle. ‎The orders, nobles‎ ‎, but be careful I still don’t have full faith in them. ‎Kudos! ‎Barbaros! ‎You don’t go. ‎Let your men go. ‎I don’t cheat my fellow travelers, Luna. ‎Did‎ you execute Alexander Chelby unjustly? ‎Sultan Min, I have already told you that this is his lie. ‎Who brought this letter?

Sipahi Episode 5 in Urdu Facebook

‎Sultan Min! ‎The letter was brought by his deputy himself. ‎In addition, even though the death penalty had been issued for him,‎ he risked everything and came to the throne, Sultan Min! ‎I forgave him. ‎He will not be hanged. ‎Why did you order the execution? ‎He had also betrayed Chelaby. ‎When he is a traitor, why forgive him? ‎I wanted you to hear the truth of the incident from him. ‎Deputy Treasurer! ‎Come here. ‎Sultan Min! ‎Tell me.

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