Teskilat Series With Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

Teskilat Season 1 Episode 10 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

Teskilat Season 1 Episode 10 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

Teskilat Season 1 Episode 10 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv Do you know where they went? I know. Are you afraid? You should have been afraid. Hold on, my sheikh, hold on!  Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Hold on, my sheikh, hold on! Hang on. Father! Oh dad! What happened! What happened to Kumral Abdal, how is he my sheikh? Healing from my Lord, call me Bala. His wounds are very deep. He’s lost a lot of blood! We’ll cauterize the wound and wait.

Let my father hold on, hold on, not put us in the dark,

Teskilat Season 1 Episode 10 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv  We couldn’t protect my sheikh Bala lady Our liver will burn. If my sheikh opened his eyes now, he would say to consent to the calamity. He used to say that there is good in every evil, God knows, we don’t know. How will my heart be healed if you don’t say it? My father! Give me a diaper! Let’s give diapers. Lets. What will we do if something happens to my sheikh,

Teskilat Season 1 Episode 10 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv  my Sheikh is resilient, he will endure. Brown Abdal! I hope sir! Where do we go now, sir? You hide the car, there are caves nearby, we will spend the night there. Thank you sir. In the daytime, how are we going to justify ourselves? We will find it, Ayşe, we will find those who betrayed us. Don’t worry. Mister! Sir, there are coming! Ayse! Ayse, run! Lets! Where do you run to, sir? Come on Ayse! Let’s catch these! Why didn’t you stay with Bala chick, crazy girl?

There are many people in the lodge, mind your

business Cerkutay. Alps. Be cautious. They washed it. Who, why does this Cerkutay? I do not know. But we will find out. What is destroyed is done, what is burned is done, sir, there is a lot of grief. Alps! Prepare the stretcher. Let’s take our brothers. #NAME? Drawings. They are entrusted, they must be taken. They are conquests, they are essential to us! Aygul! Shepherd! Trap!



Teskilat Season 1 Episode 10 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

open your eyes! Are you okay? Aren’t you okay? you are fine! I am good. Passed! It’s over, Aygül. Shepherd! Day sir! Don’t force it. There is no one. They’ve obviously lost track of us. We have become pusat to our own oba. What are we going to do like this Day? We will get rid of the slanders thrown at us, Ayşe. This too will pass. It’s not our fault, it will come out of course. Of course.

What if we die with this black spot on our forehead?

Then what will happen to our Aktemur? I wish I could see my son one more time. If I had seen it, Day. I’m Ayşe. My Lord, to whom I am a sacrifice, is not with those who give up, but with those who are patient. We will endure. We will endure.

Teskilat Season 1 Episode 10 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

honey. honey. I’m Bala. I’m Bala. No or evil is from Allah. We will consent. We know that none of us is eternal in this world. It hurts a lot, my Osman. Everything is for us, my Bala. Everything is hopeless for us from Allah. But you have to be prepared for anything. God is the giver and the taker. We will hope for healing. We will persevere, we will show perseverance.

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