Teskilat Series With Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

Teskilat Season 1 Episode 9 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

Teskilat Season 1 Episode 9 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

Teskilat Season 1 Episode 9 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv If so, you had no other choice. girl. Are you going to kill me too, Ayşe lady? Run away, sir! Ayse! Lets! We did not find any traces, and they personally searched my alps everywhere. The person who made the explosion is someone who knows Söğüt well. It’s not enough to say slice, but one of us. I don’t know that, Osman Bey, whoever betrays once will do it again.

Tell me, does anyone know Söğüt better than Gündüz?

Teskilat Season 1 Episode 9 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv This is such a big game that it’s a devilish game. I don’t know who the enemy is! But I know his cruelty well. My brother is not cruel. Of course it falls into heedlessness! But he would never do such a disgrace. Ahiyana will never kill a dervish! There is evidence, Osman Bey. It is Gündüz who killed my family. Is there a destur, sir? #NAME? Bismillah you should say.

What happened to Akça Trap They set a trap

for the tent, sir. Akca shepherd was martyred. What do you say! Akca. Baysungur. They killed the protection alps too, sir. What’s up, they didn’t put anything behind. They also burned the catapults, sir. Akca Akca. This is such an enemy This is such an enemy that it has no shadow! It is obviously hidden in the dark. But I will find it. I will find it. Tell us, Mr. Osman, how will you do this?



I have a prisoner from those who attacked Han.

I will get him to talk and learn the truth. Sir, is there any help? – Come on! Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Mr. Osman. The bastard tried to run away, he took my life. I had to kill. What do you say! How can you do that without asking me! Mister! My lord meant our degenerate souls. Barkin was also injured. We plundered the whole Söğüt, Teskilat Season 1 Episode 9 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

but we couldn’t find anyone I will surely bury these

devils alive who put fire in my heart! Let them fear my wrath! It was very, very good that Willow burned, Argus. Again, they know all this from Gündüz. Beautiful, beautiful Both Kosses and Turgut can no longer trust Osman. What about Day? We can say that he is already dead now. So, what will all this do for us? Both Kosses and Turgut will gradually move away from Osman.

Someone badly wants to leave Osman alone.

But who? Who is this secret alliance? Sir, I was told to pass this on to you. You Of course you Who else could have made such a big move but you! Ya Shafi. My father! Come on, open your eyes. Either Shafi or Shafi. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Healing is from my Lord, Bala, healing is from my Lord! Hold on, my sheikh, hold on! Hang on! There is no hope of my Lord,

Teskilat Season 1 Episode 9 In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

O Lord, heal my sheikh from time to time, O Lord. Father! It burns so hot! Auburn Abdal, eat something very hot! I hope he will get it. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. O Shafi! – O Shafi! my sheikh. Akca Dervish. Service in the lodge should continue. God bless Ibrahim Faki. You can also tell me what the lodge is lacking. It is a blessing to me to serve the household where Allah is remembered and where Allah’s friends are. We’re skinny, of course. God bless you. There is no need for destura for every such service.

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