Teskilat Season 3 Episode 59 In Urdu Subtitiles
Teskilat Season 3 Episode 59 In Urdu Subtitiles Mustafa, my son They took my heart away from me. Why? Why? Why? Why did you kill him? He was my beloved. We shared the same pillow for 50 years. He did not scold us, not once, not me or my children. We raised three children together. Two of them in the Crimean war, and one was martyred fighting with Greek heathens.
Teskilat Season 3 Episode 12 In Urdu Subtitiles
Why did he have to be murdered? He did not even hurt a fly. Why? Why? Why did you kill him? Get up, aunt. Get up. Now It’s time to make you pay. Those who attempt to harm our nation, and devils who leave our beloved mothers as widows of martyrs, Teskilat Season 3 Episode 12 In Urdu Subtitiles and everyone involved in this none of you will survive the wrath of our state. Those who witness this or hear this today should tell everyone. Let this be an example My lads, go on Russians caused thousands of Serbs and Bulgarians to die by inciting the Serbian revolt. They say it was for freedom. For freedom you say? For freedom.
Teskilat Season 3 Episode 59 In Urdu
You know what they say. Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are. Yes. Who is the friend of the Serbian gangs? Who provides them with weapons and supplies? Russians. Yes, Russians. Turks and Serbs were brothers and sisters for 400 years. Teskilat Season 3 Episode 59 In Urdu So why is there a blood bath there now? Because Russians provoke nationalism and exploit their nationalist feelings. There are rumours that 4000 Russian Officers were fighting in the Serbian army. Let’s not call them an army. Teskilat Season 3 Episode 59 In Urdu Subtitiles
Teskilat Season 3 Episode 59 In Urdu Subtitiles Release Date?
They are looters and murdering partisans. Besides, it is no rumour, unfortunately. It is the plain truth. Russia, which we believe to be a state, contributes to partisanship. Russians do not really care about Serbians or Bulgarians. What do they want? Teskilat Season 3 Episode 59 In Urdu Subtitiles Release Date? They just want to gain access to warm water ports by weakening us, for which they use the nationalist feelings of people. What is your message to the Serbians, Your Highness? The people who’ve been Ottoman subjects living in peace up to now are being used as pawns by Russia and other Western countries.
Teskilat Season 3 Episode 59 Trailer In Urdu Subtitiles
They must abandon this. What if they do not? They will ruin themselves. For 400 years not a single person was harmed. But the next 70 or 80 years will witness blood bath, tyranny and conflicts. They will hanker for the peace they had within the Ottoman Empire. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 109 In Urdu Subtitles Is it true that Rustu Pasha did not resign but that you dismissed him? We are going through delicate times as a nation and it is important that we hold on to each other. What would you advise the opposition? Teskilat Season 3 Episode 59 In Urdu Subtitiles Commonsense.
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Of course, we may have arguments among ourselves but it is crucial that we see the real enemy outside. It is in our best interest to deal with the enemy outside rather than inside. What about Rustu Pasha? Your critical thinking skills are excellent, Mrs Feriha, I admire you. Alparslan Season 2 Episode 38 In Urdu Subtitles Thank you, Your Highness. Returning to your question about Rustu Pasha. The Sultan wasted us, Redif Pasha. You are right, Rustu Pasha. Mithat Pasha stabbed us in the back. It was obvious that he was drifting away from us with his opinions. You are right, Pasha. But certainly, Your body can’t take this much pain.