Kuslarla Yolculuk In Urdu Subtitles

Kuslarla Yolculuk Episode 13 In Urdu Subtitles

Kuslarla Yolculuk Episode 13 In Urdu Subtitles

the issue was thoroughly examined. do n’t give up. don’t give up. there is no hope in God. there is definitely a solution. isn’t she? Who are you ? Yes. now you won’t be my mom. you won’t be my baby. No beautiful daughter. everything is done by God this minute. there is no way. she tried to get up for us another time. you are abl this Pizza waist girl Where is this my girl. why don’t anyone follow me in this state. can’t anyone do anything to save Allah’s Reis. brotherhd. equality and justice.

Kuslarla Yolculuk Episode 13 In Urdu Subtitles

you should not miss that Shahbaz. everything Don’t give this custom. Kemal Reşat Mücahit gave. he can’t catch Şahbaz in this time. he can’t even save Sak İlyas. I still know your job is your head Aşkın drama Did something like that happen to you or he opened his eyes. thank God . he went to the beach with an injury. because he did something bad to himself I’m afraid you can sit in Tekzen. my son. it is forbidden.

Kuslarla Yolculuk Episode 13 In Urdu Subtitles

the person who sells the forbidden spheres can recognize him . thank you. I will inform you it is very nice What do you do. write fluid like that with my hands I did it today. when we get married and have a child. let him play like his father. to be a navigator. this will pay off. it will be a funny plane. I bought it because of it. we fasted. I won’t have children anymore a loves your friend very much .


Kuslarla Yolculuk Episode 13 In Urdu Subtitles

when we get married Let us do something. we will build our home and it will prosper. But even if you won’t have enough children with me. God’s grace will outweigh and I would have never dreamed of your child until today But it will not even be in our dreams anymore. and happiness is a If I’m gone. write Calm down. I didn’t do anything. Why should I attack you?

I tell you this business from the beginning.

whoever the pirate who gave you the slaves is involved she has it t. Can you call Melike? That’s it. As long as they opened mechanically we have to go out. our aunt’s son. But I did you wrong. Maybe what happened to me is the summer. when I bought it. now our only concern is to save you then Another thing Now. there are many people who don’t drink.

how can I forgive you this summer how can

I forgive yourself this summer? no brother brother it won’t be dark I promise you they can’t patch me up we won the game we set up for them this is the syrup Brother you lk now the game we have built is working for now it’s true it come out We don’t want anything like that for now so kill you and do this job. Sign if you kill the wrong guy Because it’s great. there’s another one who knows what’s going on What’s that OK Tell me what you’re saying maybe Khidr will come after him fight.

if the paperwork is taken everything will be revealed

And how do you leave a side piano We didn’t know how these people would come here Master I didn’t know what it means Don’t let me play t. I killed the wrong man you will run away tribes let me go I’ll go toy fast I ‘ll kill the man Or everything will be revealed lk they will destroy the engine wrap Ahmet Kaya and he cuts Yelpir doesn’t he know Yes now you

two go together and do this Are you going to clean up

the danyel issue Ya Khidr will follow every lead and that’s why you will always be on the edge of the piano and Banner hides after you kill it. Don’t be in the md for a while. Or where will we go o You will go to Celle in the north of Algeria o there he is the general of Spain in the Mediterranean You will find the governor don Diego He is my old friend He will hide you

This and no one can take you from him it’s hard to catch

it now do you know where to find it I know Rum is between this santorin and we spend it there It must be very beautiful Ya me and Murat will go only we will take it to Levent he will not take what I’m talking to us anyway take a break that pirate hat stays Ok Ilyas is not in gd condition you should not leave him alone he Music Do you have to This summer summer will open the sea of balls before we put the fleet into action You will

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