Mehmetçik Kutul Zafer

Mehmetçik Kutul Zafer Episode 7 In Urdu Subtitles

Mehmetçik Kutul Zafer Episode 7 In Urdu Subtitles

The intelligence has been painted. He is even being held on hold. He is begging the Republic of Turkey to meet with one of its officials. You are ordered not to do it. . and turn it off. if you say ” You are the Mn”. but of course. become a harsh light. ha ha. how long will we wait for the elected President of the Republic of Cyprus. this treatment cannot be done.

Mehmetçik Kutul Zafer Episode 7 In Urdu Subtitles

she is upset with these political speeches. If you don’t contact me anymore after those who think it’s a Turkish state. official meetings. This is the name of it. to me. Is there anything you recommend to add. in my years of state experience. I have not read anything heavier than that. Therefore . why makarios is so insistent to hear these.

He is afraid that the Greeks will fall into

civil war and he will be given himself. as it will be his turn to [ music] this Hello this Hello Gd evening. can I learn my wrapping account It is not a meeting with whom I am meeting with. but if there is a need to address me somehow. the notifier can return. As of tomorrow. the civil air traffic coming to Cyprus from Turkey will decrease. I will reduce the relations between the countries.

There is no such thing as half of this country

belongs to the Turks. the tubes were not in the administration. we are completing it to the great nation First. explain to them that you will recognize the Turkish Republic. and then explain to the world public opinion . By the way. there are elbow countries. it is their republic. Yes. it is right now. but sner or later the Turkish Republic of Cyprus will be established But I can not accept them.

what are you these conditions are stable the operating

rm is ready quotes what are you doing Murat Brother I know they will live but I wanted to hear from you should we study these are the cleanest children in the world they will be polluted with their experiences in time This is what they are for now what a love hey Lk. know what I’m doing. if I tell you verbally.

Mehmetçik Kutul Zafer Episode 7 In Urdu Subtitles

can I feed you this bandage. I will tell you something. do you show my parents or not? It seems to you that flower B he’s right there but my mother chses gum to misbehave. My father and his boys can be a little more naughty than girls. It s not the boy who buys it. OK. but boys grow up later than girls. so what’s going on. you know until the children about Kemal. Kurulus Osman Season 5 In English Subtitles you say hereafter. but talk to me Don’t you? Yes. I know from me. But you are the most intimate person of mine.

You are the person who knows. It’s not that there

are things that he can’t come and tell you everything. You are individual and Lk why you are lking at me. It is not possible for me to accept this. you know. being a secret person is the easiest thing in the world. You can judge those around you like that. Because you do n’t have a big one. I will be angry. but I have a burden. gd B You are an actor. We don’t know.

Now it comes as far as I am 200. Do not shut up. . God damn it. I was in Ankara. I was one of the three or five people again. Episode 6

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