Kuslarla Yolculuk In Urdu Subtitles

Kuslarla Yolculuk Episode 12 In Urdu Subtitles

Kuslarla Yolculuk Episode 12 In Urdu Subtitles

let me check He does n’t say that it doesn’t matter. he knows that he doesn’t mine me. but for example we thing this but a little bit of this Deniz she is like women trust. get the right. sand Day Therefore. check your lesson dad Since then You have not softened our department or our eyes. This tribe is the one who killed your own brother. be clear. gd national Envy Longing with your longing 77 Longing ya

Longing for this demon Adam such a longing

and even I are the children of the same mother One is Adam in nature and the other is Iblis in fact. but the children of the same mother and the same Ancestor. if you lk at the bank And beer like Abel A believer is not the one who believes in the truth. he would buy a skewer that he spent from his property to hit my Lord.

but did not believe enough to sacrifice the best

of his property in order to spend It means that while Abel sacrificed the most fd of animals. he sacrificed my heart for this rotten bruise of vegetables. but with Hülya. he brought halal to his faith. Did he bring cold to his longing. but the result is not someone who will act to order the Father to the upper order. is it his fault that he could not accept it. is it his fault. or he does not do what I call a friend?

I m thankful that even if I saw it with my own eyes.

I couldn’t put it down. Man. son. of course will be surprised. have a chat We will wait for you to cry Greetings son You tell me continue What happens we have a bite of water and one more thing you said Isn’t it enough. I also have a soul that extorts your ration. my eye aydın Laughter I don’t want to say that oppression is permissible at the right time. How are you?


I brought his students trust them neither you.

nor the mullah. the new master does not trust him. even if you said Mr. Mehmet already. we succeeded with the officer. it is. I hope it doesn’t happen again. best friend. I hope it doesn’t happen again. and I ‘ve seen the slightest move . don’t worry. don’t worry. Gd luck to you I almost demand it’s on my nose Go home No. what will you do .

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